Friday, January 1, 2010

Starting a new year and the first full year of my Animation Career. 2010 is going to be a good one! That's what I keep saying to myself but I'm not just going to let it float on by. I was given the book Your Career in Animation by David B. Levy this Christmas by my dear grandparents and I can't wait to put it to good use. Also working out a list of things that need to be done to propel my career this year. You could call it a very long New Years resolution list. Here is what I have so far!
  • New Blog! (Check!)
  • Draw more and post on this blog! (keep a look out for this!)
  • Update my website, resume, and demo reel! (
  • Take more photos with my Nikon!
  • Tweet more! (
  • Keep in contact with my contacts (seem self explanatory) and try to network more!
  • Write more and keep pushing forward on the projects I'm working on!
  • Enjoy what I'm doing!
  • Exercise more! (Well it wouldn't be an official New Years Resolution without it.)
  • Try to use less exclamation points!

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